Peak District Navigation Courses

Peak District Navigation Courses, Hillwalking Skills and Qualifications

Looking to develop your Map Reading and Navigation skills? Then you should definitely check out our Peak District Navigation Courses! These courses have been our most popular for over a decade and are designed for everyone - from beginners to experienced walkers who want to become instructors themselves. Whether you want to start your adventures or take them to the next level, these courses have got you covered.

We offer regular Navigation Courses and Map Reading Courses all year round. So, whether you're a seasoned walker looking to improve your skills or someone who's never read a map before, our Peak District Navigation Courses will teach you how to master the art of using a map and compass. We've got everything you need to help you find your way, so you can explore the great outdoors with confidence.

To get started, why not sign up for our free online navigation course? It's been a hit with over 10,000 participants and sets the scene for your next outdoor course with us. With our expert instructors and comprehensive courses, you'll be navigating like a pro in no time!

Additional navigation courses available from our Peak District HQ